Mission & Vision

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Our Mission

To ignite and sustain education and development from a religious background and a missionary spirit, producing graduates and professionals who are academically brilliant, socially adaptable, morally exemplary, physically sound, productive and competitive.

Enlightened by Christian principles and following the steps of Jesus Christ, we are living the mandate of Christ “Go to the whole world and make disciples of all nations” by using education as an instrument of conversion, evangelization and mission.

To sanctify the world and man, renew the face of the earth and create a stronger democratic and Godly society through education believing the prophecy of Christ about Himself of the year of the Lord’s favor as foretold in Isaiah 61: 1-2.

Our Vision

We seek:

To be among the foremost world class Christian Colleges of Education dedicated to the Mission of Jesus the Christ through Education.

To be the preferred College of Excellence in training and formation of quality manpower in education and allied industry within Nigeria and beyond.

Our Principles

Peaceland College of Education is a young but promising college offering teaching and learning with special emphasis on quality, behavior, character and performance. We stand for excellence in training, leaning, formation, teaching and research. Interdisciplinary approach, local content and international outlook with best practices have high place for us. We understand ourselves as a community that is working towards scientific advancement sustained in religious and cultural orientations.

Peaceland College understands that education is the foundation on which any development intervention is built and sustained. A literate society is better able to result in productive, democratically minded, active and healthy citizens. Therefore, our education mandate is designed to improve the quality of basic education, which will contribute to a sustainable pool of skilled labor while supporting the development of democracy and promoting domestic stability.

The Management of Peaceland College of Education is outstandingly strong and highly disposed to draw all wealth of resources, material, managerial, and human, into ensuring the excellence and professionalism in the education sector.